Historic Section 106 Agreements

By 20 julio, 2023 No Comments

Historic Section 106 Agreements: An Overview

As a professional, it`s important to understand the significance of historic Section 106 agreements. These agreements play a vital role in the preservation of historic sites and buildings across the United States. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what these agreements are, how they work, and why they matter.

What Are Historic Section 106 Agreements?

Historic Section 106 agreements refer to a specific provision of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, which requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of their actions on historic properties. This provision applies to any federal agency undertaking a project that may affect properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places or determined eligible for listing by the State Historic Preservation Officer.

In practice, this means that federal agencies must consult with State Historic Preservation Officers, Native American tribes, and other interested parties in order to identify historic properties and determine the potential effects of proposed projects. This consultation process is known as Section 106 review.

Once the potential effects have been identified, the federal agency and the consulting parties must work together to identify ways to minimize or mitigate those effects. This may involve modifying the project design, creating a mitigation plan, or even canceling the project altogether.

Why Do Historic Section 106 Agreements Matter?

Historic Section 106 agreements are important for several reasons. First, they ensure that federal agencies take into account the potential effects of their actions on historic properties. This helps to protect the integrity of these sites and buildings for future generations.

Second, these agreements provide an opportunity for consultation and collaboration between federal agencies, State Historic Preservation Officers, and other interested parties. This collaboration can lead to better project designs and more effective mitigation strategies.

Finally, historic Section 106 agreements are legally binding. If a federal agency fails to comply with the terms of an agreement, interested parties can take legal action to enforce the agreement.


Historic Section 106 agreements are a critical component of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. These agreements help to ensure that federal agencies take into account the potential effects of their actions on historic properties, provide an opportunity for collaboration and consultation among interested parties, and are legally binding. As we continue to preserve our nation`s historic sites and buildings, historic Section 106 agreements will remain an important tool for protecting our shared heritage.